萬國翻譯公司不知道,從這樣的結論,為什麼可以推論到「女同志家庭所養育之男性,比較輕易貧乏男子氣勢」,究竟一個男孩在玩玩具,非論他玩什麼,我們都不會感覺他的模樣很有「男人氣勢」吧!而從玩玩具的偏好,就直接斷言未來成年後是否會有足夠的「男人氣勢」,這基本就是毫無按照的亂湊。(Goldberg翻譯社 2012這篇文章從頭至尾都沒有這樣的結論,他還強調研究的結果只合用在2-4歲的孩子身上。)
護家盟本身寫說他們援用的文獻是Goldberg, Kashy& Smith在2012年的研究(備份),然後以此證明說「女同志家庭所養育之男性,比力輕易缺少男子氣概」,真的是這樣嗎?這篇研究論文的研究成績真的是如許嗎?以下就來討論這篇論文:
護家盟所引用的這篇Goldberg, Kashy,& Smith翻譯社 2012的文章,根本在強調削減孩子對於玩具和遊戲體例的性別呆板印象,是有好處的翻譯並且文章中也提到「對玩具及遊戲的偏好」其實不代表「對性其余偏好」,也不代表「對本身性別認同的偏好」。
Bos and Sandfort (2010) studied 8–12 yearold children in 63 lesbian-mother families and 68 heterosexual-parent families in the Netherlands and found that children, regardless of gender, in lesbian-mother families felt less pressure to conform to gender stereotypes, and were less likely to view their own gender as superior, compared to children in heterosexual-parent families.
Children’s gender-typed play behavior reflects not only the influence of parents but other socialization agents as well. Peers play an increasingly influential role in children’s gender-typed behavior and interests across development (Marmion and Lundberg-Love 2004); thus翻譯社 the differences across family type that were observed in the current sample may narrow as the children age and enter formal schooling.
By extension, gender flexibility may have psychological benefits for children. For example, a Dutch study of children (aged 8–12) in 63 lesbian-mother families and 68 heterosexual-parent families found that boys who scored higher on conventionally feminine traits had better psychological adjustment scores than boys with low femininity scores, regardless of family type (Bos et al. 2006).
Engaging in less gender-typed play behavior may be associated with positive outcomes in children. One consequence of children developing gender-stereotyped toy preferences is that it may constrain their experiences翻譯社 since different types of toys facilitate different types of skill-building (Martin et al. 1995).
護家盟: Goldberg, Kashy翻譯社& Smith, 2012(備份) 本文引用自: http://blog.youthwant.com.tw/YWFB608182/shojonaku/138/有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢萬國翻譯公司02-23690931 |